
Project One: Visualizing “311 Complaints” with emphases on Homelessness.

Embarking on a temporal exploration of the NYC 311 Complaints Dataset, unraveling patterns, trends, and geographical areas impacted by homelessness, while considering the service provided by the New York City Department of Homeless Services in managing the dataset.

In our Project One blog post, we delve into the NYC 311 complaints dataset, focusing specifically on complaints handled by The Department of Homeless Services (DHS) in New York City.
Our analysis begins with the extraction of data from the CSV format, allowing us to explore the unique counts assigned to each complaint.
Our findings reveal intriguing insights into the distribution of complaints across boroughs. Manhattan emerges with the highest volume of complaints (193,795), while Staten Island records the lowest (7,572).
To visualize the temporal trends, we present an area-line graph depicting the number of complaints over the years. Notably, there is a significant decrease in complaints between 2011 and 2013.
A box-tree map visualization offers a detailed view of complaint types across boroughs. We observe that Manhattan leads in complaints related to Homeless Person Assistance (174,527), whereas DHS-Advantage Third Party complaints are least common across all boroughs.
In examining the resolution time of complaints, we discover a notable difference in 2020 during the pandemic, with an average resolution time of approximately 6 hours compared to post-pandemic years (2021/22). This could indicate either an improvement in staff efficiency or the implementation of new tools for complaint resolution.
Our project sheds light on the dynamics of homelessness complaints in New York City and underscores the importance of data-driven insights in addressing social challenges.
Stay tuned for more updates and analyses as we continue to explore the rich dataset of NYC 311 complaints.

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